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Wednesday 20 April 2011

Frenzied Finale

The students spent all of last week, in a frenzied manner, working on their presentations. Each group had worked out a three pronged presentation:
a) Visual Presentation
b) Performance
c) Technology integrated Presentation

It was amazing to see the motivation and diligence with which the students cut and paste findings on their panels, in creative ways. A group even decided to put up their visual display in 3d! Each group also wrote original scripts and poem through which they will be sharing the summary of their findings. Some students also worked hard on creating a presentation using technology, be it through Movie Maker or Power Point. All in all a hectic week it was with a whole lot of putting together and making connections. This week also strengthened the student's communication skills, as they added finishing touches to their displays and their social skills, as the pressure of completion mounted and it was important to keep our calm working within the groups. An invaluable lesson, we are sure they will all carry home for life!

We are now at the cross roads of readiness as students from the school will come throughout the day, tomorrow, to check out the exhibition. We look forward to each and every one of you coming to school on Friday, to encourage every child's hard work and appreciate their learning through this 2 month long journey!

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