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Friday 11 March 2011

Central Ideas, 9th and 10th March

The students worked further on their Central Ideas, refining it based on the four key characteristics of it being Significant, Engaging, Relevant and Challenging. They also shared their Central Ideas with other groups and noted them down. Thus, the five Central Ideas were:

1.     Care to Share: Renewable resources can be used efficiently for a longer life for the planet and us.
2.     Global explorers: Our responsibility towards saving our resources can make a big difference now and in the future. 
3.     The Nine Planet Savers: Conserving finite resources can contribute to a clean and green future.
4.     Mother’s Children: Our responsibility towards/against rigorous deforestation for the protection of endangered species can help us make a difference in future.
5.     Dusk to Dawn: Finite resources need to be conserved for future generations.
A whole class discussion led by Ms. Monica and Mr. Abhimanyu had all the students trying to merge the different central ideas into one and after extensive discussion and rewording the following was unanimously chosen by the students as the final Central Idea which was:

“Conserving and using finite resources efficiently can contribute to a clean and green future.”

As a whole class, we brainstormed a few lines of inquiry as an example and the students were asked to individually come up with different lines of inquiry based on the eight key concepts, during their extended weekend.

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